The Accountability Code: Cracking the 3 Keys to Team Success

As a small business owner and an extraordinary entrepreneur who thrives on uniqueness, you understand the importance of building and growing your business. And guess what? You're not alone!

Holding your team accountable sometimes feels like juggling flaming hula hoops while riding a unicycle. That's where I come in, to help you rock it like a pro!

Here are the three super-powered keys to unlock your team's accountability and make your business soar to new heights:

1.Establish Clear Expectations: The GPS to Success

Picture this: your team members are cruising down the road to triumph, but without clear expectations, they're just driving blindfolded. To help them achieve their best, you need to paint a crystal-clear picture of success. I like to use Brene Browns’ phrase, “Paint it Finished”

Communicate your goals and expectations in a way that ignites understanding, and be sure to leave room for questions, concerns, and feedback. When your team knows the endgame and how their contribution fits into the grand scheme, they'll become unstoppable superheroes!

2. Consistently Monitor Performance: Super Sleuth Mode

Remember the saying, "We get what we inspect, not what we expect"? It's time to unleash your inner detective! Once you've set the stage, keeping tabs on your team's performance is crucial. Don't be a "set it and forget it" leader. Regularly review their work, provide timely feedback, and be brave enough to be clear and honest. There is a difference between micromanaging and being a leader. Again I lean on the inspiring Brene Brown, who once said, "Clarity is Kind." Let's embrace that truth and watch your team soar to new heights!

3.Foster a Culture of Accountability: The Avengers Assemble

Accountability is more than just a buzzword; it's the secret sauce that transforms your team into a league of extraordinary individuals. Encourage ownership and inspire your team members to hold themselves accountable for their actions and results. Foster a culture where progress and challenges are openly discussed and celebrated. And remember, you're not just the boss but also the superhero leader. Lead by example, walk your talk, and watch your team follow suit!

You are already doing a fantastic job! But let's be honest; keeping up with these keys can sometimes be like herding unicorns. If you're ready to level up and bring an accountability superhero into your team, consider connecting with a Certified OBM® (that's me!). We'll implement these strategies and maintain a culture where accountability reigns supreme! This could be through coaching/mentorship - creating a 90-day strategy - or a full-on OBM joining your team!

So, fellow entrepreneur, are you ready to unleash your team's inner superheroes?

Here’s how we can do it:

  • Sounding Board Sessions: Ninety minutes of flushing out your ideas, challenges, and struggle to reveal simplicity and clarity. You walk away with 90 days of accountability check-ins and a free SOS call.

  • Strategy and Support Sessions: Implementing your custom strategy through monthly calls and support - 90 minutes of a strategy call, a 90-day strategy plan, 3 follow-up calls (at 30,60,90 days), and two SOS freebie calls!

  • Online Business Manager: Freedom to focus your time and energy on your magic, passion, and gifts and share them with the world! You get a full-blown team member (ME!) for the duration you need - 3 months, 9 months, or ongoing. Hands-on support with systems, your team, and everything that gets in your way.

You don’t have to be alone in holding yourself and your team accountable!

Book a free call to learn more about how we can make some magic!


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